Social Media Pros - Only Your Avatar Matters

What You Actually Look Like Video blogging - The Anti-Social MediaYou may be hearing things like “Appearances matter” or “Don’t look like a slob” or “Bathing is important to your hygiene.”

These are all lies.

As a social media professional, you live on the internet, not the real world. This is a word where you are judged entirely on the look of your avatar.

This means for many of you, personal hygiene only needs to be minimum at best. As long as you look sharp in that avatar, you should be fine.

If you’re dealing with someone via Skype or some other video chat, then you need to clean yourself up a bit to look like your avatar. But, even then you’ll only need to clean yourself up as much as you’ll appear in the camera. This may need to involve washing your face with soap and water and combing your hair.

I know. It’s hard.

You’ll eventually have to meet someone in real life. They’ll probably want to “pick your brain.” This is as awful and horrifying as it sounds.

In this case, you will need to clean yourself up to look like your avatar. Get as much advance notice as possible so you can fully bath and dress appropriately. You may need to do laundry.

Thankfully, these instances are few and far between. As long as you’re able to look amazing in your avatar and give the illusion you aren’t a disgusting slob, then you’ll be fine.

So take a great photo, give it that photoshop sheen, and kick some ass.


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I wish I could look as trendy as some of those social media gurus. God, they're so hip. Never mind they have nothing to say (or at best, say what everyone else is saying). At least they look cool.

I shared this on my site. It's a very interesting article that I think should be shared more widely. I know exactly what you mean by the article, I work at home everyday, enough said LOL

Hmm. If you're at home all day and not showering..chances are you're not wearing much clothing so you shouldn't have laundry to do, right? Unless all those clothes are collecting dust in the closet, in that case you have dusting to do :)


  1. [...] the internet, you only need to look as good as your avatar. (Haha! So true! @JayDolan: New Post!Via Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this [...]