Social Network Reviews

Social Network Reviews - The Anti-Social MediaSo, Google+ is here, and apparently my social graph is significant enough that they’ve given me early access. I like it so far, and I’ve even sent out a few tweets about what I like. But I keep getting one linger question:

“When are you going to review Google+?”

Every other major social media blogger has published some kind of review of Google+ and how terrible it is or how wonderful it is and why it won’t beat Facebook or why it will beat Facebook and how it’s trying to be Twitter but it’s not. I’ve seen how to use Google+ for business, way not to use Google+ for business, and the business behind Google+.

What. The. Hell.

This treatment is maddening for a product that has been in the hands of a very small public for less than a two weeks. “But Jay, it’s from Google! And everyone is watching Google.”

I get that, but who decided that every social network needs a review, and that anyone has the knowledge, insight, and talent to judge these networks? No one did this to MySpace in 2003, or Facebook in 2004, or even Twitter in 2006. Sure, we didn’t have a basis on which to judge these networks, but we used them based on whether or not we and our friends enjoyed them.

Social networks aren’t like movies. They don’t come out every week, and they aren’t scripted, acted, and filled with a crap ton of special effects. They’re software designed to help facilitate interactions between people. Sometimes that’s just for fun, sometimes it is for business. But when we start judging every new method of communication instantly after two hours of use and condemn it for not being original or not being “enough,” who is ever going to try something new.

Stop reviewing everything instantly. Social networks like Google+ and Facebook are just tools. If you never try a new one, you’ll never know what you’re missing out on.

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15 Responses to “Social Network Reviews”

  1. Brent July 5, 2011 at 10:31 am #

    If I have to read another review on something I am not using like Netflix and Hulu Plus on (some) android phones or another Google+ review _ the black hat comes out and everyone who has something to say gets 50,000 junk email subscriptions of questionable topic and category.

    So how many glowing positive comments does it take to persuade a blogger with google+ invites to share a few?


    • Jay July 5, 2011 at 3:36 pm #

      I don’t have any invites left. I used those on my real friends.

  2. Davina K. Brewer July 5, 2011 at 12:15 pm #

    Isn’t it all keyword, SEO boondoggle, linkbaiting nonsense anyway .. the pile-on to be the first, highest ranked blog to praise or pan something? See also, those first ‘why the iPad will fail’ posts. Whatever. These are just tools.. and when they’ll matter to me, when there is something good I’m missing I’ll check it out. FWIW.

    • Jay July 6, 2011 at 7:01 am #

      I forgot about all those “The iPad sucks” posts before anyone ever used it. They were ridiculous. Remember how we all complained about the name? Do we see anyone doing that now? Nope!

  3. Chris July 5, 2011 at 12:55 pm #

    So true. Thank you! We haven’t reviewed it either. I’m curious and exploring but it is way too soon to make a verdict on a living, breathing, evolving, nascent social network of people… a few people. Especially with such a currently limited release. We are asking users for feedback on our Facebook page- just to see what everyone thinks so far. But a full-on review will have to wait for a full-on trial.

    • Jay July 6, 2011 at 7:07 am #

      That’s another thing, I just don’t have enough friends to try all the features. Also, I have an iPhone, and Google is giving preference to Android currently.

  4. Dan July 5, 2011 at 3:01 pm #

    Yeah, but all those people are idiots.

    • Camilo Olea July 5, 2011 at 3:12 pm #

      I wish there was a “Like” button for the comments section of this blog. I approve of your comment, sir.

    • Jay July 6, 2011 at 7:03 am #

      I know, right? The only people who aren’ idiots are you and me. And maybe someone else.

  5. Camilo Olea July 5, 2011 at 3:13 pm #

    Honestly, I haven’t tried it because I’m already swamped with my other social networks. I’ll give it a try later. Maybe. Or not. Oh, cat pictures!

    • Jay July 6, 2011 at 7:04 am #

      You’re not missing anything life-changing yet.

  6. Kathleen July 5, 2011 at 3:15 pm #

    Halleluja! The voice of reason emerges from the glut of over-opinionated bloggers out there. Not only is it too early to determine whether and how Google+ will be useful, you’re also reviewing a fundamentally flawed product. The only people using Google+ right now are the social media elite. Google+ will rise or fall only if the average Joe (and Joanne) decides it is worthwhile and neither of them has gotten an invitation to join yet. Until the rest of humanity gets a crack at this thing, its pointless to review what is essentially a very exclusive, private club!

    • Jay July 6, 2011 at 7:06 am #

      Yeah, for all we know it’ll be the next Wave, or Buzz, or Orkut…

  7. Mariam July 6, 2011 at 8:56 am #

    Saw your headline ‘Quick, let’s all review Google+ after spending 6 seconds with it.’ and thought of my contribution:

    (feel free to delete this bit of my comment) p.s. typo: getting one linger question?


  1. Nonprofits and Social Media: Decoding the Google+ buzz | Catalyst X-Change: Action Headquarters - July 12, 2011

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